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Frequently Asked Questions

When are practices?
It is up to the coach's discretion (so if you volunteer to coach, YOU can pick the days and times!).  Typically teams will start mid-August and practice twice a week, usually following a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule.  Practices are held from 5-6 pm or 6-7 pm.

When are games?
Most Saturdays during the months of September and October (you may have a single week off depending on schedule).

Where are the games?
Home games are at Bakerview Park, and away games are in Burlington, LaConner, Conway, Sedro-Woolley, or Anacortes.  Typically, the older teams are the ones that travel more.
*U6-U7 only play in Mount Vernon, Conway, and Burlington
*U10-U14 might also have 1 game (max) in Friday Harbor

Do boys and girls play together?
The youngest groups are U6 & U7.  These are "micro" levels that play co-ed and don't have goalies.  All other age groups have goalies and are either a boys team or girls team.
Can someone new to soccer play on a team?
Being a recreational club, many of our players are either new or just play for fun.  There are no tryouts and our main priority in forming teams is keeping friends together.  If the player has a friend on a team, please note it during registration and we can try to place them together.  We strive to have all players get equal playing time and we try to focus on building good teams based on fun and friendship, not on competitiveness.

For COVID-19 specific FAQ, please go here:

For WYS COVID-19 Protocols, please go here:

Have a question that needs answered?

Please let us know.

Email [email protected] & ask.


Mount Vernon Youth Soccer Association
P.O. Box 932 
Mount Vernon, Washington 99273

Phone: 360-401-3333
Email: [email protected]

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